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Warts are small undesirable growth appear on the skin that normally does not cause any pain. These skin growths are caused by the virus of the human papillomavirus (HPV) family. Warts might spread on the skin and you might want them to get rid of as soon as possible. The appearance of warts differs depending on the type which has to undergo laser wart removal treatment.

There are mainly five types of warts that will be treated using wart removal surgery.

1. Common warts: These kinds of warts usually occur on hands, knees and fingers. These warts are mostly seen in children. Usually, they have a grainy rounded appearance.

2. Flat warts: These are flattened kind of warts, appearing on the smooth surface on the skin. They are generally seen on face, thighs and arms.

3. Plantar warts: They were predominantly seen on the soles of the feet, growing into the skin. Because of their mosaic-like appearance, they often called mosaic warts.

4. Genital warts: Since they affect the genital parts, these warts are called genital warts. These are a kind of STD infection.

5. Filiform warts: These are long, thread-shaped warts that grow on its own or a cluster on the face around the eyelids, lips, or neck. These warts spread very easily.